====== minecraft:exchange_item ====== The ''minecraft:exchange_item'' action exchanges the item stack from the [[actions:action_contexts|action context]] with the specified item stack. If ''this'' entity is a player, it will try to insert the item stack into the player's inventory. Otherwise, it will drop the item on the ground. This actual is always successful. ===== Fields ===== ^ Name ^ Description ^ Type ^ Default Value ^ | ''item'' | The item to use for the item stack. | An item | | | ''components'' | The components for the item. | An optional removeable [[mc>Data_component_format|data component]] map | ''{}'' | | ''decrement_stack'' | Whether to decrement the item stack from the action context. | An optional boolean | ''true'' | ===== Example ===== { "type": "minecraft:exchange_item", "item": "minecraft:glass_bottle" }