{{indexmenu_n>6}} ====== Armor Materials ====== With armor materials an armor item can have certain defensive properties. These properties can be reused for different types or armor, such as [[mc>Leggings]] and [[mc>Chestplate|Chestplates]]. These armor materials can be found in a data pack under the ''armor_material'' folder in a namespace. ===== Fields ===== ^ Name ^ Description ^ Type ^ Default Value ^ | ''asset_id'' | The texture to use to render the armor. | A resource location | | | ''defense'' | The amount of [[mc>Armor#Defense_points|defense]] to give the wearer when worn in the specified slot. | A map of armor slots to integers | | | ''toughness'' | The amount of [[mc>Armor#Armor_toughness|toughness]] to give the wearer when worn. | A double | | | ''knockback_resistance'' | The amount of [[mc>Armor#Knockback_reduction|knockback resistance]] to give the wearer when worn. | A double | | ===== Example ===== { "asset_id": "minecraft:iron", "defense": { "body": 5, "boots": 2, "chestplate": 6, "helmet": 2, "leggings": 5 }, "toughness": 0.0, "knockback_resistance": 0.0 }