{{indexmenu_n>1}} ====== Basic Items ====== It's time to create your very first item! First, you need a [[mc>Data_Pack|data pack]]. Once you have a created a data pack, you can add a file named ''my_first_item.json'' under ''data/example/item''. { "base": { "translation_key": "item.example.my_first_item" } } That's all you need! Now you can load the world and give yourself the item using ''/give @s example:my_first_item''. {{:items:my_first_item_item.png?nolink|}} However, you'll probably notice that your item doesn't look all that pretty. That's because your item does not have a [[mc>Model|model]] yet! You can add a model to a resource pack the same way you would add a model for a vanilla item; Just make sure that you use the right namespace. { "parent": "minecraft:item/handheld", "textures": { "layer0": "example:item/my_first_item" } } This is the texture used: {{:items:my_first_item.png?direct|}} {{:items:my_first_item_with_model.png?nolink|}} That already looks a lot better. Though... Something still isn't right! How about you add a name for your item via [[mc>Resource_pack#Language|language files]]. { "item.example.my_first_item": "My First Item" } {{:items:my_first_item_with_name.png?nolink|}} Reload the resource pack, and perfect, that's it! That's all you need to create your very first item. Now it's time to amp up your item by adding [[items:item_components:start]]!