====== minecraft:item_holder ====== The ''minecraft:item_holder'' item component allows this item to hold other items. ===== Fields ===== ^ Name ^ Description ^ Type ^ Default Value ^ | ''capacity'' | How many items this item can hold with a [[mc>Data_component_format#max_stack_size|minecraft:max_stack_size]] of 64. The occupancy for an item is calculated by the inverse of its [[mc>Data_component_format#max_stack_size|minecraft:max_stack_size]] item stack component, with a few exceptions.((Nested [[items:item_components:item_holder]]s always add an additional 4 to the occupancy alongside the occupancy of its contents, and item stacks with bees inside the [[mc>Data_component_format#bees|minecraft:bees]] item stack component always use an occupancy of 64.)) | A positive integer | | | ''insert_item_sound'' | The sound event to play when inserting an item stack. | A [[mc>Sounds.json#Sound_events|sound event]] | | | ''remove_item_sound'' | The sound event to play when removing an item stack. | A [[mc>Sounds.json#Sound_events|sound event]] | | | ''empty_sound'' | The sound event to play when emptying the item holder. | A [[mc>Sounds.json#Sound_events|sound event]] | | ===== Example ===== { "capacity": 64, "insert_item_sound": "minecraft:item.bundle.insert", "remove_item_sound": "minecraft:item.bundle.remove_one", "empty_sound": "minecraft:item.bundle.drop_contents" }