====== minecraft:record ====== The ''minecraft:record'' item component allows this item to be played in a [[mc>Jukebox]]. ===== Fields ===== ^ Name ^ Description ^ Type ^ Default Value ^ | ''sound_event'' | The sound event to play when played in a Jukebox. | A [[mc>Sounds.json#Sound_events|sound event]] | | | ''description_key'' | The translation key to use in the item tooltip and in the [[mc>Action_bar|action bar]] when played in a Jukebox. | A string | | | ''duration'' | The length in [[mc>Tick#Game_tick|ticks]] to display note particles for every second when played in a Jukebox. | A non-negative integer | | | ''output_signal'' | The Redstone signal to use when played in a Jukebox. | An integer ranging from ''0'' through ''15'' inclusive | | ===== Example ===== { "sound_event": "minecraft:music_disc.13", "description_key": "item.minecraft.music_disc_13.desc", "duration": 3560, "output_signal": 1 }