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Basic Items

It's time to create your very first item! First, you need a data pack. Once you have a created a data pack, you can add a file named my_first_item.json under data/example/item.

  "base": {
    "translation_key": "item.example.my_first_item"

That's all you need! Now you can load the world and give yourself the item using /give @s example:my_first_item.

However, you'll probably notice that your item doesn't look all that pretty. That's because your item does not have a model yet! You can add a model to a resource pack the same way you would add a model for a vanilla item; Just make sure that you use the right namespace.

  "parent": "minecraft:item/handheld",
  "textures": {
    "layer0": "example:item/my_first_item"

This is the texture used:

That already looks a lot better. Though… Something still isn't right! How about you add a name for your item via language files.

  "item.example.my_first_item": "My First Item"

Reload the resource pack, and perfect, that's it! That's all you need to create your very first item. Now it's time to amp up your item by adding Item Components!

items/basic_items.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/19 23:07 by errorcraft