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The minecraft:play_sound action plays a sound event at a player or position in the world. If this player is not present, it will fall back to playing the sound from the specified position. This action is always successful.


Name Description Type Default Value
position The position to target. An action context parameter
sound The sound event to play. A sound event
category The category to play the sound in. A sound category
volume The volume to use for the sound. The actual volume is picked randomly between the minimum and maximum. A float range
pitch The pitch to use for the sound. The actual pitch is picked randomly between the minimum and maximum. A float range
from_entity Whether to play the sound event from this player, rather than the position. An optional boolean false


  "type": "minecraft:play_sound",
  "position": "this",
  "sound": "minecraft:item.bottle.fill",
  "category": "neutral",
  "volume": 1.0,
  "pitch": 1.0
actions/action_types/play_sound.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/14 23:52 by errorcraft